--- GulfTech Security <security@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this just an > exhaustion of resources and > not a "vulnerability" at all? You could have it > write text to the page > instead of iframes and you get the same results > because the JavaScript goes > into an infinite loop. > > Does having your 486 freeze up when you attempt to > open a 700mb DivX file > constitute as a vulnerability of the media software > or operating system? I > think not. Here is a "one liner" I wrote that does > the same thing, but I do > not in ANY way consider this a vulnerabity. > > <script> var i = 1; while (i) </script> > > James To put it bluntly - you are not wrong. Exhaustion of resources ~may~ seem to exhibit a DoS ie you cannot use the "service" because it has been "denied" by the effect of the cause of the deliberate exhaustion of those same resources upon which the "service" depends. FYI (and anyone else interested) I once wrote a program to test dynamic runtime control creation when I was getting into OOP VB; don't blame me, blame my boredom ;) The program opened with an initial form that had a command button with 'Start' as its label. When you clicked said button it would reproduce itself on screen using a loop to the effect of: Create form_object(my_form_class) Invoke form_object.show method Repeat ad infinitum A windows message/spy tool I was running clocked up ~38000 before *itself* locked up (forms were still being created) around 10 secs later the machine froze until reboot. Conclusion: malicious use (albeit only testing) of GUI object creation thus exhausting GUI resourses thus leading to lock up. Lesson learned: *ANY* piece of software that uses data as an input can be made to exhaust the resources given to it by the OS if those same resources cannot handle the extent of the size of that input whether it's a huge file (usually in the order of GB/TB) or as a series of object creations, as long as that series is invoked to show on screen and not just in RAM waiting to be used. BTW for thosed that missed it the simple fix to my program is to place a form_object.destroy (my wrapper method names you understand) method call between form_object.show and the end of the loop, thus getting rid of the same object after it's been created (freeing it's resources) but *before* another is. Best regards Steve ___________________________________________________________ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com