Couldn't reproduce this on MSOE v6.0.2800.1123. Win2k SP4.
I get an "opener is null or not an object" javascript error when I load the link from MSOE.
gr, David
Paul wrote:
Note: This vulnerability as well as several more can be found at http://www.greyhats.cjb.net
Outlook Express Window Opener Script Execution Vulnerability
Microsoft Outlook Express version 6.0.2800.1123.
Microsoft Windows XP sp2
Microsoft Outlook Express is prone to a vulnerability which will allow javascript to execute in the message window. Outlook Express uses a webbrowser control to view email messages, with all features except javascript, objects, and a couple more. Apparently, it only filters out stuff in the window.document object. If something were to access any other components of the window object, it would be given as much access as if the mail message had been an html document opened in internet explorer.
The example presents the viewer with a link to a javascript page with the target set to "_blank" (opens the page in a new window). The javascript calls opener.execScript, displaying an alert with the message body's innerHTML.
[Example] http://freehost07.websamba.com/greyhats/msoeexecscript.htm