Hi, We had the same problem with mcafee for linux. Upgrading the scanengine to 4.2.30 solved the problem. We still used an old (and unsupported) version. See: ftp://ftp.nai.com/pub/ for a new version of the scanengine. Regards, Victor Julien On Saturday 19 June 2004 16:26, Joao B. Diehl wrote: > We had this same problem with the DAT 4367. Returning to > DAT 4366 it worked again. > > Nate Nord wrote: > > Just wondering if anyone else has seen this come through their mail > > portal. Something has caused our McAfee Webshield SMTP to seriously eat > > processor time... to the point that it will no longer forward scanned > > mail. I've had to temporarily bypass it until I figure out what it's > > choking on. I saw several other posts that said this sent processors > > into some kind of loop and this is exactly what appears to be happening > > with our portal. > > > > > > ] -----Original Message----- > > ] From: Bipin Gautam [mailto:visitbipin@xxxxxxxxxxx] > > ] Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 7:33 AM > > ] To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > ] Subject: Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners DoS! > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] Hello everybody, > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] I doubt how many Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners will choak > > ] to death while having a "manual scan" of this file. Please go > > ] ahead and give it a try. > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] http://www.geocities.com/visitbipin/SERVER_dwn.zip > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] I was woundering, what would be the results if such file gets > > ] stucked in an "AV gateway" (O; > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] please, report your findings..... I have already been > > ] bombarded with strange reports. > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] regards, > > ] > > ] > > ] > > ] Bipin Gautam > > ] > > ] http://www.geocities.com/visitbipin/