>>Finally I also attached the source files to this message My McAfee-based gateway scanner blocks the attachment and labels it as "VBS/Psyme", which has this description (http://us.mcafee.com/virusInfo/default.asp?id=description&virus_k=100749): "This trojan exploits an unpatched (at the time of this writing) vulnerability in Internet Explorer. The vulnerability allows for the writing, and overwriting, of local files by exploiting the ADODB.Stream object. There are several variants of this trojan. Therefore this description is design to give an overview of how the trojan works. The trojan exists as VBScript. This script contains instructions to download a remote executable, save it to a specified location on the local disk, and then execute it." Larry Seltzer eWEEK.com Security Center Editor http://security.eweek.com/ http://blog.ziffdavis.com/seltzer larryseltzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx