---------------------------------------------------------------------- ... if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/modules/$name/$mod_file.php")) { $modpath = "themes/$ThemeSel/"; } $modpath .= "modules/$name/$mod_file.php"; if (file_exists($modpath)) { include($modpath); } else { ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What we can see, is that IF selected theme has not customized module file, then path to default module file will be concatenated to variable $modpath: $modpath .= "modules/$name/$mod_file.php"; Hmm, it seems, that $modpath is not initialized at all on those conditions... Let's test it in real world: http://localhost/nuke73/index.php?modpath=foobar And what we can see: "There is a problem right now on the Homepage. Please check back later." Yes, yes, yes, it works! But now comes bad news for all potential attackers (and good news for website admins): you see the code "if (file_exists($modpath))"? This checking routine will fail our attempt to remote file inclusion on most of the servers. Why "most", not "all"? For answer let's look at php manual (RTFM!!!):