Dear List, Imperva(tm)'s Application Defense Center has discovered several vulnerabilities in BusinessObject's Crystal Reports' Web Interface. These vulnerabilities allow a potential hacker to retrieve and delete any file from the file system of the server on which it runs, as well as causing a complete denial of service to the server. In the past week, we have attempted to contact BusinessObjects in order to provide them the details of the vulnerability, so that a patch can be issued by them to solve the problem. Since we were unable to find any security-specific contact, we have attempted to notify them through all known support email addresses, the support contact form on their site, and several standard email addresses, such as info, support, security, etc. Sadly, none of these attempts has succeeded. We therefore send it in here, hoping this list is read by anyone related to BusinessObjects or by anyone who knows how to contact their security related staff. Any assistance in contacting the right person would be appreciated. Sincerely, --- Ofer Maor Application Defense Center Manager Imperva(tm) Inc.