[-]=====================================================================[-] : P H R A C K - 6 2 : CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS --------------------------------- Deadline: 01 July 2004 at 11:59pm http://www.phrack.org/cfp_p62.txt --------------------------------- Phrackstaff is pleased to bring you PHRACK CALL FOR PAPERS #62. Thanks to our buddies in australia will we go for another historical hardcover release at ruxc0n (http://www.ruxcon.org). Phrack authors get free entrance. Check out http://www.phrack.org for more infos. Dont bother us with lame articles -- only the real papers will make it. PHRACK is now accepting papers for this edition. As usual, papers can be on any topic related to the following: - hacking - phreaking - spying - carding - cybernetics - radio - electronics - forensics - reverse engineering - cryptography - anarchy - conspiracy - world news As in previous issues, we will showcase selected tools from the hacking community. Send us your toolz, links and logs for warez that are worthy of being mentioned in our holy magazine. Since 1985, PHRACK MAGAZINE has been providing the hacker community with information on operating systems, network technologies and telephony, as well as relaying features of interest for the international computer underground. PHRACK MAGAZINE is made available to the public, as often as possible, free of charge. PHRACK STAFF <--- is at ruxc0n! phrackstaff@phrack.org [-]=====================================================================[-]