During a nessus-scan with DoS-attacks enabled I was able to bring down the Tomcat server (version 5.0.14 running on Windows 2003). After reading the report and doing some research I learned this should be a vulnerability prior to version 4.1.10. Vulnerability: http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/archive/vulnwatch/2002/10/msg00020.html As I am short of time I haven't been able to test it on other plattforms and versions. Hopefully someone could look into the matter. Regards -- -------------------------------------------------------------- WU Fei Liang Computer & Media Security University of Applied Sciences 4232 Hagenberg, Austria [ Mail ] [ Mobile ] cms01017@fhs-hagenberg.ac.at (+43) 0699 1013 00 33 [ Public-Key ] http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xC5633638&op=index --------------------------------------------------------------