Re: spamblocker turns into mail denial of service

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The blacklist was officially retired 9/22 due to repeated
DDoS attacks on it's main servers.

Please see for the
official closing announcement from Ron Guilmette.


On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 11:21, Dana Hudes wrote:
> At some point in the last 24 hours the dns-based blackhole list
> turned into a deny-all-mail: the A record
> for the blackhole list is now which means all mail is rejected.
> Anyone who knows anyone who was using this should immediately remove
> it. I do not know why the folks at infinite monkeys would do this nasty
> thing, perhaps it was done by a spammer hacking in.
> Certainly it points out that all such services should be using DNSSEC
> and that perhaps that's not enough if the name server is hacked.
Chris Fuhrman           | Twenty First Century Communications | Senior Software Engineer
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