We are trying to raise awareness about our infosec blogging community, which I think may be of interest to bugtraq readers. -ejovi Infosecdaily.net: Expanding our blogging community. Our focus is on aggregating security news for technologist. The site was made by security researchers for the public as a free resource and continues grow. We now aggregate more then one hundred and twenty security and privacy related news feeds and the list is growing. Another part of the site that has grown is the blogging section. We currently monitor more then one hundred bloggers. Now we'd like to bring this to the attention of other security and privacy bloggers and offer them an opportunity to speak their mind free of editing and commercial interference. With consolidation in the security industry, we are searching for citizen journalists that are willing to speak candidly. When we begin aggregating security and privacy blogs, we thought we would see one unified voice, all bloggers would be speaking on the same topic of the day. However we found the opposite to be true. When all the news focused on the most recent Microsoft security flaws, bloggers continued to provide a diverse range of news topics. When bloggers did write about the Microsoft flaws they were real people dealing with the security issue at hand, at work or at home. What the security and privacy industry needs are more voices from the street, dealing with the issues in the news. We need more citizen journalist. InfoSecDaily invites those already blogging about these topics to send us a note bloggers@infosecdaily.net and request to be added to our feed. There are a number of wonderful independent writers we have not seen yet. We encourage those of you writing on privacy & infosec to integrate RSS feeds into your site and reach a new audience. Please help us support an independent security voice. The InfoSecDaily Team, Ejovi Nuwere, Jose Nazario http://www.InfoSecDaily.net