Hi! >From KasperskyLab: 'Bizex' worm attacks ICQ users - http://www.kaspersky.com/news.html?id=4272424 Rules for snort to deny ICQ via proxy and proxy chains: (more information can be found here http://securitylab.ru/40960.html): # icq.rules # snort rules for ICQ http/https tunnels # (c)ded by asu4ka 2003. # v var PR_IP x.x.x.x var PR_TCP 8080 alert tcp any any -> $PR_IP $PR_TCP (msg: "ICQ HTTPS/HTTP _basic_, mf!";\ flow: to_server, established; content: "ICQBasic";) alert tcp any any -> $PR_IP $PR_TCP (msg: "ICQ HTTPS _key_, mf!";\ flow: to_server, established; content: "<key>"; content: "</key>"; nocase;) alert tcp $PR_IP $PR_TCP -> any any (msg: "ICQ HTTP _aim/http_, mf!";\ flow: from_server,established; content: "AIM/HTTP"; nocase;)