On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Larry Seltzer wrote: >I just got the alert below from US-CERT. It's one of the new lists they >started. Some things about it bother me. > >First, it's dated 1/28, the day MyDoom.B was discovered, and the >message sent field says that too; other dates in the headers disagree. > >Second, and more to the point, it takes an extreme view of MyDoom.B >that nobody else is supporting, including the sources they cite. >MyDoom.B is a flop. > >Am I misreading something? Did anyone else get this on 1/28? Yes; everyone subscribed to the [Carnegie Mellon] CERT/CC list. It's been swallowed by US-CERT: http://www.cert.org/advisories/us-cert-announcement.html however... "significant changes to CERT Advisories that will not only maintain the accuracy and fairness that are the hallmarks of CERT Advisories, but will also provide more information about more topics than before" and "We will maintain the same high quality control standards, edit content for security and privacy, and work to ensure technical accuracy as well as timeliness." Thank DoHS for that!