I've never heard of anyone suggesting you could copy data from one port to another, if only because there's no such thing as an open file in postscript.
Sure there is. PostScript has all the standard file handling, among other things for handling peripherals for font storage. Alas, I am moving at the moment and don't have my PostScript manuals to hand, but, for instance, I've written code that used PostScript filehandling in GhostScript to modify files in a user's home directory, and code that used the hard drive in a printer that had one for font caching. In general, PostScript printers use PostScript as their underlying OS. It is quite certainly a full programming language.
Of course if you had a postscript printer AND a the postscript cookbooks you'd instantly get a better understanding.
Umm, apparently not. Although the PostScript manuals are handy, you need to dig pretty deep into them to get to relatively little-used commands.
Elizabeth Zwicky zwicky@greatcircle.com