Gadi Evron.
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 19:23:15 -0800 From: Gadi Evron <> To: th-research Subject: [TH-research] OT: Israeli Post Office break-in
Mail from Gadi Evron <>
This is completely off-topic, but very interesting.
Apparently there was a break-in in a branch of the Israeli Post Office.
The offenders placed a wire-less gateway connected to a switch inside, and through it stole a few tens of thousands of Shekels in the few days they were in operation (the Israeli Post Office is a sort of a small bank).
They only managed to run this operation for a few days.. I guess people noticed that contraption connected to their switch. Although it looks very much like a legit piece of hardware. Another option is that someone talked too much, or they were already under investigation. I find it hard to believe that they were located due to the break-in to the network itself, as crude as it was.
Once again we get a glimpse into a far smarter world of computer related crime. Always makes me wonder about what *else* is out there, that we do not hear about.
Last item I heard of was the theft of Face Recognition servers holding terrorism-related databases from an Australian airport. There was the Industrial Espionage bit using Trojan horses as well.
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-- Gadi Evron,
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