24 Oct 2003 10:56:21 -0000 scripsit Zrekam: > So at burger king you can type: > www.burgerking.com.freeterminalsurf.com and surf free of charge on that > address. So what you do is set up a webproxy like anonymizer or safeweb on > your server, and this will allow you to surf free of charge at every > sitekiosk terminal you find. How does this system cope with an HTTP username? For example, what happens if if you try and surf to http://www.burgerking.com@www.securityfocus.com ? That might be an even easier method to bypass the access restrictions without having to set up your own domain. -- G. Stewart -- gstewart@bonivet.net -- gstewart@spamcop.net Registered Linux user #284683 (Slackware 9.0) --------------------------------------------------------------- There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.