With VeriSigns new SiteFinder tool now in action, I decided to check if Microsoft?s "smart search" using the MSN technology was still working properly. For reference to Microsoft?s smart search read this article. http://searchenginewatch.com/sereport/article.php/2164691 By default when you install Internet Explorer 5.5 and up you have smart search installed and set active. What this does is if you go to a nonexistent website, like www.aamazon.com you would be shown a list of possible sites you may be interested in. This is just like what VeriSign is doing, only at the browser level. It also allows you to search from your address bar instead of using a search engine, or 3rd party browser attachment. >From my tests Microsoft?s smart search no longer works, but Sitefinder looks so simular to Microsofts smart search that most users will not notice a change. My questions are, has anyone else tested this and seen the same results, and has Microsoft has done anything in retaliation to this, or filed any compliants.