Language : PHP Script : 1.8.8 Problem : SQL Injection Description : myphpnuke is a widely used Content Managemnt System. Problem : In file, ********************* if ((isset($aid)) && (isset($pwd)) && ($op == "login")) { if($aid!="" AND $pwd!="") { $q="select pwd from ".$mpnTables['authors']." where aid='$aid'"; $result=mysql_query("select pwd from ".$mpnTables['authors']." where aid='$aid'"); list($pass)=mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($pass == $pwd) { $pwd1 = md5($pwd); mysql_query("update ".$mpnTables['authors']." set pwd = '$pwd1' where aid='$aid'"); $pass = $pwd1; } else { $pwd1 = md5($pwd); } if($pass == $pwd1) { $admin = base64_encode("$aid:$pwd1"); setcookie("admin", "$admin", time()+2592000, "", "", ""); // 1 mo is 2592000 } } } ******************** Here the $aid is not checked. If you open the page like, Therefore you can run the query like, select pwd from mpn_authors where aid='mad' into outfile '/filepath/file.txt' when you enter aid=mad' into outfile '/filepath/file.txt This will not work if magic_quotes_gpc is on. Fix : Find the line ********** if ((isset($aid)) && (isset($pwd)) && ($op == "login")) { if($aid!="" AND $pwd!="") { ********** Add ********** $aid=addslashes($aid); ********** Credit : lifofifo &