On Wed, Sep 17, 2003, Tom Brown wrote: > > why does the tarball for openssh-3.7p1.tar.gz have [...] > when the advisory http://www.openssh.com/txt/buffer.adv [...] > > it's like 3.7.1 doesn't have all the changes in it?! If I'm right, and > others have missed this, there may be a lot of folks with a false sense of > security. > Tom, not all others missed this. See OpenPKG Security Advisory http://www.openpkg.org/security/OpenPKG-SA-2003.040-openssh.html check the CVS timeline at http://cvs.openpkg.org/rlog?f=openpkg-src/openssh/openssh.spec and see the associated checkins referenced below. It's worth looking at the comments in the patches. http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=12266 http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=12268 upgrading package: openssh 3.7p1 -> 3.7.1p1 add more bugfix patches from Solar Designer led to openssh-3.7.1p1-20030917 http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=12270 apply buffer.adv V2 patch plus similar extra ones led to openssh-3.6.1p2-1.3.2 http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=12272 apply buffer.adv V2 patch plus similar extra ones led to openssh-3.5p1-1.2.4 The OpenPKG-SA-2003.040-openssh was written with all issues but only the number CAN-2003-0693 known. Now we know more details. http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2003-0693 Original OpenSSH buffer handling problem, fixed in OpenSSH 3.7 http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-misc&m=106371592604940 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2003-0695 Updates to the OpenSSH buffer handling problem, fixed in OpenSSH 3.7.1 http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-security-announce&m=106375582924840 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2003-0682 Additional updates to OpenSSH by Solar Designer -- Thomas.Lotterer@cw.com, Cable & Wireless