(+)AT TODAY'S BUGTRAQ: MSIE->WsOpenJpuInHistory MSIE->WsOpenFileJPU MSIE->WsFakeSrc MSIE->WsBASEjpu MSIE->RefBack MSIE->NAFjpuInHistory MSIE->NAFfileJPU MSIE->LinkillerSaveRef:another caller-based authorization MSIE->LinkillerJPU:another caller-based authorization(is broken). MSIE->HijackClick: 1+1=2 MSIE->Findeath: break caller-based authorization MSIE->BodyRefreshLoadsJPU:refresh is a new navigation method MSIE->BackMyParent2:Multi-Thread version
(+)NEW POSTS: MSIE->Linkiller:break caller-based authorization MSIE->BackMyParent:Son can be bad new concepts invented
CAUTION: All "Ws*-MyPage" files must be loaded in a new MSIE window.
yesterday, i posted many documents to bugtraq. all related files were stored at SAFECENTER.NET. then my friends told me SAFECENTER.NET is out of the order. but SAFECENTER.NET is still accessible here: CN/HN/XT/(ZIP:411105). and of course, i always verify Urls of files for twice before posting.
from now on, all related files will be attached in the posts.
sorry for the inconvenience.
BTW, if you happen to have some web space and would like to host my web site, give me a shout.
best wishes,
liudieyuinchina@yahoo.com.cn , liudieyuinchina@vip.sina.com.cn .
Description: Zip compressed data