In my testing these security bulleints aren't fixed in Win2k SP4, but are documented that they are at this link: url=/technet/security/news/w2kSP4.asp 1. MS02-053. It fixes the FPSE 2000 vulnerability, but not FPSE 2002. 2. MS03-019. It updates the vulnerable files in only 1 location, not both locations where niislog.dll is stored (\inetpub\scripts and \winnt\system32\windows media\server). 3. MS02-032. It fixes WMP 6.4, but only updates 2 of the 5 vulnerable files in WMP 7.1. 4. MS03-014. It fixes the vulnerability for OE 5.5, but not OE 6.0 SP1. One that did get fixed, but is not documented in the link, is MS01-022 (as of this post). Anyone else find these in their testing?