Advisory Name: Cyberstrong eShop SQL Injection Vulnerability Release Date: 05/07/2003 Application: CyberStrong eShop v4.2 Platform: Win32/MSSQL Severity: High BUG Type: SQL Injection Discover by: AresU <> Author: Bosen <> Vendor Status: See below. Vendor URL: Reference: Overview: For the commersial break pls visit I know there's lotsa features there. Details: CyberStrong provide trial/demo software, in encrypted thought. But the encryption not as big as its sounds like. Well, the bugs lies on the application libraries. And got fired via 10expand.asp, 10browse.asp, and 20review.asp. With manipulated SQL injection, an attacker would be able to gain some information including admin's user and admin's password. Which is can be used thorugh web based admin interface on /admin/mlogin.asp. Exploits/POC: http://[target]/eshop/10Expand.asp?ProductCode=' http://[target]/eshop/20Review.asp?ProductCode=' Vendor Response: Contacted. No response. Recommendation: No recommendation for this. For workaround, just protect /admin dir with .htpasswd. (but its not very effective, an attacker still can do query, but at least it would be slowing their jobs) 1ndonesian Security Team (1st) Advisory: About 1ndonesian Security Team: 1ndonesian Security Team, research and develop intelligent, advanced application security assessment. Based in Indonesia, 1ndonesian Security Team offers best of breed security consulting services, specialising in application, host and network security assessments. 1st provides security information and patches for use by the entire 1st community. This information is provided freely to all interested parties and may be redistributed provided that it is not altered in any way, 1st is appropriately credited and the document retains. Greetz to: Bosen, TioEuy,Ipunk, Heltz, Gembul,TomIngShUu, sakitjiwa, muthafuka, alphacentury, All 1ndonesian Security Team - AresU <> ====================== Original document can be fount at