------------------------------------------------------------------ - EXPL-A-2003-010 exploitlabs.com Advisory 010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -= PerlEdit =- exploitlabs.com June 21, 2003 Vunerability: ------------- Remote Buffer Overflow Product: -------- PerlEdit http://www.indigostar.com/perledit.html All versions to current ( 1.07 ) Description of product: ----------------------- "PerlEdit is an IDE for Perl and a general-purpose text editor. It includes a source code text editor with syntax highlighting and a visual debugger." screenshot: http://www.indigostar.com/perledit_screenshots.html VUNERABILITY / EXPLOIT ====================== Upon execution perledit binds to local TCP port 1956. By connecting via Telnet localy or remotely causes the program to crash, resulting in a total loss of unsaved data. ------------- 'sploit ------------------------- telnet host-running-perledit 1956 READY ( exit telnet ) remote perledit crashes. Further investigation may lead to more serious issues, I did not persue as this was bad enough. Local: ------ yes Remote: ------- yes Vendor Fix: ----------- No fix on 0day Vendor Contact: --------------- support@indigostar.com - Concurrent with this advisory Credits: -------- Donnie Werner http://exploitlabs.com http://nothackers.org - Freedom of Voice - Freedom of Choice