=========================================================================== ==== FRAME4 SECURITY ADVISORY [FSA-2003:001] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- PRODUCT : Splatt Forum 4.0 for PHP-Nuke 6.0 PRODUCT/VENDOR URL : http://www.splatt.it/ TYPE : Vulnerability / Exploit IMPACT : Medium SUMMARY : Multiple Vulnerabilities in Splatt Forum 4.0 DISCOVERY DATE : 26/03/2003 PUBLIC RELEASE : 01/05/2003 AFFECTED VERSION(S): Splatt Forum 4.0 (as of discovery date) FIXED VERSION(S) : Splatt Forum 4.0 Fix 1 (not tested) VENDOR NOTIFIED : No --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- BACKGROUNDER: Splatt Forum is a MySQL driven, PHP-based forum system that fully integrates in to PHP-Nuke, the popular CMS system by Fransisco Burzi. INTRODUCTION: We have discovered two vulnerabilities in the vanilla version of Splatt Forum 4.0 for PHP-Nuke 6.0; an XSS Vulnerability and an HTML/Code Injection Flaw. The vulnerabilities and accompanying exploits were discovered and executed upon only one web site, and verified by Webmaster (webmaster@frame4.com). ADVISORY URL: http://frame4.com/php/modules.php? name=News&file=categories&op=newindex&catid=4 http://www.frame4.com/content/advisories/FSA-2003-001.txt VENDOR CONTACT: None. We didn't contact the vendor as 'Splatt' has a very bad track record when it comes to replying to security reports and fixing issues. The web site of the vendor is almost entirely in Italian which makes vendor contact difficult. VULNERABILITY DESCRIPTION: Please refer to the 'Technical Description' section below, for full description of the problem(s). VULNERABLE APPLICATION(S)/PACKAGE(S)/VERSION(S): "Out-of-the-box" version of Splatt Forum 4.0 for PHP-Nuke 6.0. Although this is the ONLY version tested for the moment, it is highly possible that other versions are open to similar attacks. SOLUTION/VENDOR INFORMATION/WORKAROUND: There are various possible solutions going around at the forums at splatt.it, though the forums are in Italian and the English translations are often poor. Recently, Splatt Forum 4.0 Fix 1 has been released; but this is yet untested. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION - EXPLOIT/CONCEPT CODE: [001] XSS Vulnerability Post a message (Anonymous is OK) containing the following message body: # Some test text for fun <script>alert(document.cookie);</script> some more text goes here... # This causes the rendering of the script upon reading (loading) of the page by the next user. The JS is rendered FIRST, before the user can perform a cancel action. [002] HTML/Code Injection Flaw Perform a search with the keywords: <iframe src="http://somesite.com"> Upon rendering of the search results the remote site or any local page will be rendered in the IFRAME. I am sure other JS exploits are renderable as well, especially the IE 5-6 crash exploits (null objects) and remote JS cookie snarfing. CREDITS: The vulnerabilities outlined in this advisory and accompanying sample code have been discovered by morning_wood (morning_wood@thepub.co.za) of Morning Wood,Inc (http://take.candyfrom.us/). At the time of discovery this vulnerability was considered 0-day as the related testing was performed "on the fly" as a curiosity test. The above exploits have not been circulated through the underground community and are presented here as a PUBLIC DISCLOSURE. REFERENCES: None. ABOUT: Frame4 Security Systems is a new security partner, empowering clients with the necessary knowledge and products to protect and secure their computer systems. Headquartered in The Netherlands, Frame4 can be reached at +31(0)172- 515901 or on the Web at http://www.frame4.com/. DISCLAIMER: This advisory is a Frame4 Security Systems ("Frame4") publication, all rights reserved (c) 2003. You may (re-)distribute the text as long as the content is not changed in any way and with this header text intact. If you want to serve this paper on your web site/FTP/Newsgroup/etc., we encourage you to do so, as long as no changes are made without the prior permission of the author(s), no fees are charged and proper credit is given. IMPORTANT -- THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Frame4 Security Systems be liable for any damages whatsoever, (including, without limitation, damages for loss of any business profits, business interruption, loss of any business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use, or inability to use any software, and/or procedures outlined in this document, even if Frame4 Security Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damage(s). There are NO warranties with regard to this information. This advisory is the property of Frame4 Security Systems, all rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Frame4 Security Systems -- http://www.frame4.com/ =========================================================================== ====