Hellow! I found bad bug/owerflow for buffalo g54 airstions: here my simple tests: schem of tests: I used 2 broadband routers Airstation WBR-g54 (first named: g54-01, second - g54-02) both broadband routers set to pear-to-pear connection mode (not point- multipoint) [atacker PC]--[g54-01]-.-.-per-to-pear-.-.-[g54-02]--[victim PC] when I starts simple ping-flood from atacker PC (simple ping -f <victim IP> in linux), the g54-02 connected to the victim PC by net-cable after some seconds is going down and breakes connection :-( in firmware ver. 1.10 g54-02 is going to reboot and then comes back online after I install firware 1.11 (and 1.13 too) - g54-02 still die after ping- flood, but not reboots and comes online automaticaly :( With best regards, Pavel