Greetings, We have run into a problem this afternoon with the copy of ocget.dll that is located at: It seems that it is either signed improperly, or not at all. This .dll is loaded automatically by IE when .cab files are downloaded from the server. Usually it is transparent, if the signature is ok. Since that is no longer the case, our users are getting an access denied message due to the security settings on their browser. Since ocget.dll is not really a required download, according to Microsoft ( ) the pages still display correctly. The users are still blaming our programmers for the problem, of course :) Not to mention the possible security implications here. Is anyone else seeing this behavior? ( Verified on: Win2K/IE5.5-SP2, Win2K/IE6.0-SP1 and WinXP/IE6.0 ) Thanks. -- Ken Fischer, CCNA <> PGP Fingerprint: 9523 54B6 D67B BBFB 53B3 2F3B 7E81 0891 C495 CB50 --