Hi, My post entitled "MS-Windows ME IE/Outlook/HelpCenter critical vulnerability" was parsed incorrectly by the securityfocus mailing-list manager, giving me a From: adress "fozzy@securityfocus.com". My contact e-mail is fozzy@dmpfrance.com. I am not, in any way, a member of securityfocus.com. Thanks, Fozzy The Hackademy Audit, Journal & School - Paris http://www.thehackademy.net PS: with respect to the reported security issue, please take good note that this is a WinME issue. Windows XP is vulnerable _only_ if patch MS02-060 was not applied. So most WinXP users are safe. Moreover, a Microsoft guy told me the Help Center is not included in Windows 2000, so Win2000 should not be vulnerable.