FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ---------- Call for Papers New Security Paradigms Workshop 2003 An ACSA-sponsored workshop 18 - 21 August 2003 Centro Stefano Francini, Ascona, Switzerland ( For eleven years the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) has provided a stimulating and highly interactive forum for innovative approaches to computer security. The workshop offers a constructive environment for experienced researchers and practitioners as well as newer participants in the field. The result is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas. NSPW 2003 will take place August 18 - 21 at the Centro Stefano Francini (CSF), the conference center of the Swiss Federal Technical Institute. The CSF is located in scenic Ascona, Switzerland, on Lago Maggiore, a few hours by train from Zurich, Geneva, or Milan. In order to preserve the small, focused nature of the workshop, participation is limited to authors of accepted papers and conference organizers. NSPW is highly interactive in nature. Authors are encouraged to present ideas that might be considered risky in some other forum. All participants are charged with providing feedback in a constructive manner. The resulting brainstorming environment has proven to be an excellent medium for furthering the development of these ideas. The proceedings, which are published after the workshop, have consistently benefited from the inclusion of workshop feedback. Because we expect new paradigms, we accept wide-ranging topics in information security. Papers that present a significant shift in thinking about difficult security issues or builds on a previous shift are welcomed. Our program committee particularly looks for new paradigms, innovative approaches to older problems, early thinking on new topics, and controversial issues that might not make it into other conferences but deserve to have their try at shaking and breaking the mold. To participate, please submit your paper, justification, and attendance statement in PDF format to by Friday, April 4, 2003. If you have questions or problems with your submission, please e-mail the Program Chairs -Simon Foley and R. Sekar ( 1 - Your Paper We welcome three categories of submission: research papers, 5 - 10 page position papers, and discussion topic proposals. Please indicate the category of your submission. No submission may have been published elsewhere. Discussion topic proposals should include an in-depth description of the topic to be discussed, a convincing argument that the topic will lead to a lively discussion, and supporting materials. Submissions should be in PDF format. 2 - Justification Describe, in one page or less, why your paper is appropriate for the New Security Paradigms Workshop. A good justification will describe the new paradigm being proposed, explain how it departs from existing theory or practice, and identify those aspects of the status quo it challenges or rejects. 3 - Attendance Statement State how many authors wish to attend the workshop. Accepted papers require the attendance of at least one author. In order to ensure that all papers receive equally strong feedback, all attendees are expected to stay for the entire duration of the workshop. Attendance is limited. We cannot guarantee attendance for more than one author. The program committee will notify authors of acceptance status by June 10, 2003. We expect to offer a limited amount of financial aid to those who require it. More information will be provided on our web site as it becomes available. Further information can be found at