HPUX disable buffer overflow vulnerability
Davide Del Vecchio Adv#4
Date: 13/02/2003
Tested on HP-UX B.11.00
The enable command activates the named printers, enabling them to
print requests taken by lp. The "-r" option Associate a reason
with the deactivation of the printer. The "-c" option cancel any
requests that are currently printing on any of the designated printers.
$ ls -al `which disable`
-r-sr-xr-x 1 lp bin 28672 Jun 15 1998 /usr/bin/disable
Using disable with or without '-r', '-c' with a long option string:
$ disable -r `perl -e 'printf "A" x 9777'`
Memory fault
HP has been contacted, hope it will release soon a patch.
I sent an e-mail to support@hp.com beacause the url
wont work.
Davide Del Vecchio would like to thank in primis his love Mara,
his coworkers of the security and monitoring staff @ Banca Mediolanum.
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Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:
Davide Del Vecchio , Dante Alighieri - dante@alighieri.org / security@phx.it