I'm getting massive packet loss to various points on the globe. I am seeing a lot of these in my tcpdump output on each host. 02:06:31.017088 > udp 376 02:06:31.017244 > icmp: udp port ms-sql-m unreachable [tos 0xc0 It looks like there's a worm affecting MS SQL Server which is pingflooding addresses at some random sequence. All admins with access to routers should block port 1434 (ms-sql-m)! Everyone running MS SQL Server shut it the hell down or make sure it can't access the internet proper! I make no guarantees that this information is correct, test it out for yourself! -- Michael Bacarella 24/7 phone: 646 641-8662 Netgraft Corporation http://netgraft.com/ "unique technologies to empower your business" Finger email address for public key. Key fingerprint: C40C CB1E D2F6 7628 6308 F554 7A68 A5CF 0BD8 C055