WhiteHat Security has released a new white paper discussing a new class of web-app-sec attack (XST) which potentially affects all web servers supporting TRACE. The white paper explains all the detailed technical results we have found so far. We are fairly certain this particular issue will spark much debate and encourage those interested to read and comment. White Paper Mirrors: http://www.betanews.com/whitehat/WH-WhitePaper_XST_ebook.pdf http://www.cgisecurity.com/whitehat-mirror/WhitePaper_screen.pdf http://www.boarder.org/WH-WhitePaper_XST_ebook.pdf http://www.forumgalaxy.com/whmirror/WhitePaper_screen.pdf Press Release http://www.whitehatsec.com/press_releases/WH-PR-20030120.txt