Anyone can read all XOOPS private messages

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In french :

By valdeux
Publiacted on december, 13th 2002

As most part of PHP CMS, XOOPS allows users to send and receive Private 
Messages (PMs), that are saved on the DataBase.
We found how all messages are readable.
And sure, we give you a solution.

Product		:	XOOPS
Version		:	RC3 (tested)
File		:	/pmlite.php

Bug :
	if ($reply == 1) {
		$pm = new XoopsPM($msg_id);
		$pm_uname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($pm->getVar
         	$replytext = "[quote]\n";
		$replytext .= sprintf(_PM_USERWROTE,$pm_uname);
		$replytext .= "\n".$pm->getVar("msg_text", "E")."\n

Solution :
	A patched file is available on :

patch :
	ligne 76 : if($pm->getVar("to_userid") != $xoopsUser->getVar
	ligne 77 :	die("D�sol�, c'est patch� :)<br><br><a 

Thanxxx :
	Magistrat for his website ( that allows me to 
test XOOPS every day :p
	PhpSecure Team (, don't forget ;)), because their CMS is a nice one. Let's secure it ;)

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