Ikonboard 3.1.1 There are few ways to insert HTML tags into board content. 1. Via Photo URL. In profile user can set URL of photo. It's possible to insert URL like javascript:alert(document.cookie) Javascript will be triggered if someone accesses user's profile. 2. Via X-Forwarded-For: header. User's IPs are available for admin. If user accesses Ikonboard via Proxy, X-Forwarded-For: header is shown instead of proxy IP without filtering. Length is limited to 16 characters, but it's still possible do something interesting with 2 requests <script>/* and */<script>. Vendor was contacted November, 29 with no reply. -- http://www.security.nnov.ru /\_/\ { , . } |\ +--oQQo->{ ^ }<-----+ \ | ZARAZA U 3APA3A } +-------------o66o--+ / |/ You know my name - look up my number (The Beatles)