Major AIM Bug Courtesy Of Infested Nexus --- AIM: Infested Nexus. I have = uncovered a bug in America Online's AIM service, which can allow a = normal user to be able to transfer any file onto another users computer = without consent. This works using the 'get file' feature. If a user has = the option to allow others to get files without a prompt this hack can = be executed. After downloading the USERX.lst file - end the file = connection. Then name any file you wish to send and rename it USERX.lst = and use the "send file" feature. The file will immediately begin = transferring without asking for authentication on USERX's computer - = though they will see the download box. I have tested this on a number of = people who were away from their computer and it has worked. Tested on = AIM 5.0.2938. If you go further with this exploit please give credit to = Infested Nexus. ---- Infested Nexus AIM: Infested Nexus Be well! ~Dave