STAFF: Humbly submitted for your subscribers. The Peon's Guide To Secure System Development Abstract: Increasingly incompetent developers are creeping their way into important projects. Considering that most good programmers are pretty bad at security, bad programmers with roles in important projects are guaranteed to doom the world to oblivion. The author feels that a step towards washing himself clean of responsbility is by writing this document. Checking your memcpy() and malloc() calls have been lectured to death. It's not working. The approach used by this document is to instead shame developers into producing better systems. Enjoy. To save bandwidth, the interested parties may find the rest at the following URL, in several formats: Thanks -- Michael Bacarella | Netgraft Corp | 545 Eighth Ave #401 Systems Analysis | New York, NY 10018 Technical Support | 212 946-1038 | 917 670-6982 Managed Services |